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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I've moved!!!
Posted by Crystal at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas 2012
It's Christmas night and I can hear my boys playing in their room. It's getting close to bedtime but right now they are playing sweetly and I'm just going to let them. I'm exhausted, going on 5 hours of sleep last night and I pretty much wake up every hour to roll over. I know my body is getting ready for this baby to be up at all hours of the night, but every hour.. really? So, needless to say, I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning. Thankfully, my boys are not early risers. I've trained them well!
I've been spending my awake hours pondering this thought by Ann Voskamp...
"And if there is no cross in my Christmas, then my Christmas has lost Christ, and what is the manger if it not for the Messiah, the one who saves us with the scars?"

It's from this blog post by Ann from last year. We actually listened to Ann read it after we all had eaten this morning. As a believer, we know that we should daily remember the cross. After all, we're told to die daily to ourselves. But if you're anything like me, that thought often escapes me in my daily busyness. So, I wanted to take the time today, especially today, to remember the cross of Christ. He came to die. That tiny, baby, Immanuel, came to grow into a man that would die a brutal, bloody death. The Word became flesh (John 1:14). Yes, God became one of us, with us. It really is too much to understand. My prayer as I lay down tonight is that I will continue to think upon His death. The cross is not elementary, Christian. It is the gospel that we should daily preach to ourselves. And for those who don't know Him, oh my heart aches. Seek Him while He may be found.
My heart sings tonight of His great love, His closeness, His glory...
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
Posted by Crystal at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2012
Week 30 ~ Update!
Happy 30 and a half weeks! I only have a little over 9.5 weeks left! Isn't that crazy and exciting!? I just finished eating 3 Baby Cuties (that doesn't sound right, does it?) which are my new obsession. I love them. I have to confess that I haven't been as good as I was in November with my no sugar. I've done okay but not what I'd like, so I'm making a resolution to eat no sweets until Christmas Eve. That's just a week, so I can do it! And so I'm sure I'll be eating more of those Cuties in the next two weeks to help me with my cravings!
I'm feeling pretty good. My ankles have started to swell and while I was hoping to avoid that (I did with Eli), I know it's pretty normal! I'm drinking tons of water and still exercising 3-4 times a week. I'm measuring perfectly and Jude is moving around in there all the time! Any time I start to get fearful, I just think about him (and pray, obviously). I can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy, who I get to hold soon! He will be here before I know it! Emotionally, I'm doing okay. I've been extra overwhelmed with things lately. I think it's just being tired and round, raising two boys, teaching 1st grade, feeding a family, keeping a house.. you know those kind of things! I'm really trying to pray through my frustration and stress because I know it doesn't help anyone! I'm so thankful for my hubby! Bless him for enduring with me! My energy level is low but I do get bursts of it every now and then and I try to take advantage of that when it comes! Currently, my home is in need of a little TLC, so I'm praying for one of those bursts, soon! I'm sure this is just God's way of preparing me of the days ahead, new baby and messy house!
We had a meeting last week with our doula. She was such a blessing! In January we will have a few labor/birth classes with her. I was so encouraged after our meeting, not only by her but also by listening to my husband ask questions and also just share his support of me and my choices for this birth. Not only does he support me but he believes this is the right path for us as well. When you live in an area where people look at you like you're nuts for attempting a natural VBA2C, it's nice to get affirmation, especially from your husband. As I learned in my breastfeeding journey with Eli, words of support and encouragement do a world of good. I am thankful! Continue to pray that God will give me peace during these last two months! I'm still confident in His leading me in this direction. I'm fully trusting Him!
Posted by Crystal at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Menu Plan Monday ~ December 17, 2012
Since becoming pregnant, I've kind of fallen behind on posting my menu's. I still make them, but only in my head. I would really like to get back to it and even try some new, easy recipes over the next two months. I'd like to find some meals that I can freeze and some easy crock pot dinners. That's sometimes not easy to do when you want to make things with real food.
So, I'm starting to officially menu plan again but I can't promise anything! And even though it's the week before Christmas, we have a very laid back week. We're doing school all week but we really have no other plans! I LOVE it! Here is my easy menu plan for the week:
Taco Soup, Cheesy Corn Bread
Sloppy Joes (I double the sauce in this recipe), Green Beans, Roasted Potatoes (I've made this recipe twice and we love it. I leave out the pepper flakes because of the heat and marjoram because I don't have it. We all love it... well, Luke tolerates it but that's Luke. Eli had three helpings the last time I made it! I've made it with sweet potatoes only and also a mix of both sweet and white! I just use what I have!)
Spaghetti, Green Salad w/ Carrots and Cucumber and Homemade Ranch Dressing (I'm using these noodles now. I changed mainly because I'm trying to use less and less wheat in packaged goods. The Hubs said this was way better than the whole wheat I usually use.)
Thai Noodles (We had Thai food for the first time last week and I loved it. The boys had Chick Fil A, but they will be trying this! I'll definitely be lowering the spice, using coconut oil instead of veggie oil and adding shredded chicken!)
Southwestern Chicken and White Bean Soup (I add extra beans and use homemade taco seasoning mix), Cheesy Corn Bread (from earlier in the week, from frozen!)
It's been a while but maybe you remember I usually only plan 5 meals. The other two nights will be leftover nights.. or breakfast/sandwiches... something simple!
Speaking of breakfast, this week I'm planning a Dutch Baby Pancake and trying out this cranberry orange bread! Both will go well with fruit. I'll let you know how the bread turns out! I made it tonight but I'm a little skeptical! The other mornings will be eggs, fruit and oatmeal. Lunches will be sandwiches and leftovers! I might also whip up some stove top mac and cheese if I get a wild hair! Add a green veggie and it's lunch!
Linking up with orgjunkie.com!
Have a fansastic week!
Posted by Crystal at 11:55 PM 0 comments