
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Check this out: (Give-A-Way)

Go here (or click the cute Simply Inspiring button in the side bar), right now and check out this cute, new stuff that you'll be able to find at your nearest Hallmark Gold Crown Store soon! Or you might just win the awesome give a way and get some for FREE!

You're Welcome! :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

His Word is Life

Over the past weeks, the Holy Spirit has really been speaking to me about Scripture memory. I'm ashamed to say that currently there isn't any Scripture memorizing going on in my life. It's been tough here lately finding a quiet time in my house to spend time in prayer and God's Word. But I desperately crave it!

I really struggled with this after Eli was born. I went from having a chunk of time set aside to be alone with God and in His Word.. to spending a few minutes in prayer here and there (mainly while rocking or nursing the little guy). I think the feelings I had regarding this were genuine (and normal) feelings of hunger and thirst for His Word but also feelings of guilt and shame. If His Word was so important to me, why could I not make time for it? I've been praying that God would help me out with my quiet and alone time with Him... and praying for His forgiveness in the lack of time I was spending with Him.

Through this prayer, my Heavenly Father has so lovingly showed me that He understands where I am right now in my life. He knows that I'm answering the call that He gave me to raise my little boys. He understands that I'm up 2-4 times a night, every night! He knows that it's crazy around here with a toddler and a 12 week old.

He knows because He is there. He has given me an assurance that what I'm doing right now during this season of my life is exactly what I'm suppose to be doing.

This definitely doesn't mean that I am to forsake His Word or prayer time though. It just means that my time alone with God will probably vary from someone who has no children, older children... and so on. My job is to find something that works in this season of my life that honors God and strengthens my relationship with Him.

So, as I said, the Lord has laid on my heart Scripture memory. Although I may not be able to sit and do any kind of in-depth Bible study on a regular basis, I can meditate on Scriptures. I truly believe that His Word brings life. I know it will renew my heart and strengthen me as I take on the most important task I will ever be given.

I have chosen Romans 12:2 to begin my memorizing. I am already very familiar with this verse but that's ok. It's more than just memorizing.. it's allowing the Scripture to transform me.

Romans 12:2 - And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and
perfect will of God.

I'm going to need some accountability as I take this on. So, every Sunday (or Monday morning) I'm going to be posting my weekly memory verse(s), probably in my side bar. If anyone is interested in doing this with me let me know (I'd love some company!) or if anyone has any special verses that mean a lot to you please share them and I'll add them to my list for future memorizing!

May I grow in the knowledge of His Holy Word... so that He be glorified and lifted up!

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Rambled Thoughts on a Monday Afternoon

Here is what's up:

Luke has a cough... Not bad but definitely could be. Praying it doesn't turn into anything.

Eli is 11 weeks old. Wow.

I'm learning to be significant in God's eyes. (As opposed to desiring significance in other people)

I made pumpkin bread this weekend that was fabulous. I'll share the recipe later.

My kitchen floor is clean. :)

I'm going to be a rebel and not put up a menu this week. But fear not, I do have a menu.. it's just up there somewhere in my head.

I have a desire to be simple. I'm attempting to learn to apply simple to my life... and wondering if that's even possible.

The Zucchini Stew from last week was pretty good. I did add a bay leaf and some dried basil to it. I also used pasta instead of rice since the Hubs isn't fond of rice.

It's cold in our house! Brrr..

Today's chore: Clean the bathtubs!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Menu ~ November 10, 2008

Short and Sweet:
Zucchini Stew (new recipe), Corn Bread
Loaded Baked Potatoes, Salad

BBQ Pork Chops, Green Beans, Corn on the Cobb (I'm seriously cooking those pork chops this week)

Blueberry Pancakes (I'm going to make half with cow's milk and half with soy milk), Eggs

We're planning on going out to eat one night so I'm keeping it simple!
BTW, the Lima Bean Soup was pretty good, not something I want to eat over and over all winter... but pretty good.

Something exciting I found at Publix this week:

And they do not contain milk! YAY! I have a dairy free brownie recipe and I'm thinking about sprinkling these in them. Double chocolate! YUMMY!

Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm so behind....

I'm so behind on updates and that kind of thing.. I started this a few days ago but just haven't had the time to finish it! I have tons of blog posts swarming in my brain but no time to actually type them!

Eli's 2 month check up was last Thursday. The little guy weighs 11 lbs and 4 oz and is 23.75 inches long! Everything was perfect! He did really well with his shots. Luke also had a little check up! We had delayed his MMR shot, so he had to get it (tried to get it a few months ago but couldn't because I was pregnant!) and the flu shot. He did really well too! At one point we told him how much of a good job he was doing and he agreed with, "I did do good job!" over and over in the midst of tears! He weighed 30.5 lbs and was 35.75 inches tall. Dr. C mentioned how blessed we were to have two healthy boys! That is something that I never want to take for granted!

After there visit we went to stay with Mimi and Grandaddy because we had planned on being in town for Halloween night. Sometimes, living an hour away with 2 little ones, it's just easier to stay the whole day (or night!). Luke dressed up like a scarecrow.. or farmer.. or just a cute little boy in overalls (whatever you'd like to call it!) for Halloween. He wouldn't let us stuff him or put any kind of 'paint' on his face but he was super cute! Eli didn't dress up but did have a cute Halloween outfit on. Here is Luke checking out the candy at Mimi's:

My boys are growing so fast! Eli is 10 weeks old today! He is smiling, cooing and even trying to laugh! It's the most precious thing. Two nights ago he rolled over from tummy to back... not really on purpose, but he still did it! He's also really beginning to notice his hands. He stares at them when he catches a glimpse like, "What are those things and how do I make them move??" He's also gotten them to his mouth a few times to chew on! The dairy elimination worked wonders! He is much more content just because he feels so much better! I've been dairy free for almost 5 weeks now. Here is a picture from this afternoon, hanging out with Daddy:

Luke is such a big boy! He says the cutest and funniest things all the time! I love watching him figure things out! I can just see those wheels turning in there! He is so smart! He's such an encourager too. He's always telling the Hubs and I that we're doing a good job. Just the other day he asked me what I was doing and I told him I was making a sandwich for lunch. He responded, "Good job, Mommy". It's nice to be told that every once in a while! :)
Here lately he's really been into singing in his toy microphone and playing his guitar (or 'paytar' as he calls it)! Wednesday night at church the Hubs was standing around talking while Luke played with an old mic that he found. The Hubs stopped because he could hear Luke singing and wanted to know what he was singing. He was singing "Amazing Grace"! The Hubs said it was the sweetest thing! We've never heard him sing it before but I've sung it to him (& Mimi too) many times. I got him to sing me the first line, but that's all he would sing for me! Of course they never want to preform when you want them to! Those moments when they don't realize they are being watched are priceless though!

Time to go hang out with all of my boys before bedtime!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A little (much needed) humor for today...

At dinner last night I asked Luke who he thought was going to win the presidency. I said, "Obama or McCain?" and he said, "McCain" (I might add that when usually faced with a question like this, he almost always picks the latter) So, then I asked, "Ok, do you think it's going to be McCain or Obama?"

He decided to really think about it this time. So after a pause, he said:

"Lightning A-Queen (McQueen), wins the race."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Menu Plan Monday - November 3

It's Sunday and I'm posting my menu! I'm on top of things this week. Haha.. not really. It's just that my menu from last week is basically being rolled over to this week!

We visited friends who had a new baby on Monday and then spent the night with my parents Thursday and Friday night. So I only cooked the chicken and made tuna sandwiches from last weeks menu! You would think that I saved on my grocery bill, but I didn't! So, for this week:

BBQ Pork Chops (grill or oven), Corn on the Cobb, Baked Sweet Potatoes (if they still look good... otherwise some other veggie from the freezer)

Lima Bean Soup, Corn Bread

Pot Roast (on sale this week) w/ Carrots and Potatoes

Beef Soft Tacos (using leftover roast meat with taco seasoning) w/ Beans and Rice

Pork Ribs (thinking about using the crock pot again), Green Beans, Potato Salad

A few new dairy free products I picked up this week:

100 Calorie Pack Oreo Thin Crisps (Yay, for something chocolate!)
Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars- Maple and Brown Sugar
Lipton Soup Mix - Onion & Onion Mushroom

I also love Amy's Dairy Free Rice and Bean Burrito, but they are kind of pricey! So, aside from the occasional splurge, I'm just going to start making my own!

Since the weather's getting cooler, I'm starting to think about soups and chili's! So, I though I'd share with you BooMama's Souptacular Crockpotalooza. I missed the actual 'event' but I've been looking through all of the links for good soup ideas! And just because I love you so much, I thought I'd share it with you!

Ok, gotta get busy on some things!