Homeschooling, that is. Yes, Luke's first year is coming. I've been praying a lot over it here lately as I look over curriculum, ect. I'm anxious and nervous for different reasons. I want to lay out why the Hubs and I have chosen to homeschool... soon. But not now. I need some time to put my thoughts down. I want family and friends to hear our reasons as I know questions will come up. Until then I'd encourage you to check out a few links. They have encouraged me and share many of the same values that we have concerning our choice to homeschool right now.
Courtney, at Women Living Well just finished up a series of vlogs on homeschooling. I enjoyed them so much and they were so encouraging to me! Here is a link to her most recent posts on homeschooling, all of the videos are great!
I love this post by Laura at Heavenly Homemakers! She answers the question, "Am I Qualified to Teach?" I read this almost a year ago and it was so good to go back and find it again!
This post by Ann Voskamp is probably one that shares most what the desire of my heart is for our homeschooling. This one too, the Four Cornerstones of Simple Homeschooling at the bottom I love!
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6: 5-7
What to Make for a Potluck
18 hours ago
How exciting for you! Homeschooling is such a wonderful way to bond your family and cement your commitment and faith. The longer I do it, the more benefits I see in myself and my children. Blessings to you as you officially begin this journey!
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