
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pregnancy Update 7/3/12

I decided, for various reasons, that it was time for a new doctor. I actually had planned to see a new one before becoming pregnant but being pregnant kind of makes you speed up that process! I had prayed about the decision and asked around and had in mind who I wanted to see. Well, I was not disappointed. My new Dr was very gracious and comforting. I just appreciated the care I was given and the way it was given. I was not anxious at all! In fact, I was quite calm about the entire process! My blood pressure was actually the lowest it's been in a long time while at the Dr's office! I suffer from 'white coat syndrom' and typically my blood pressure spikes when at the doctor! I can assure you that is only a God thing. He is so good.

So, I had my first appointment a week and a half ago. As I mentioned, it went great. I am in fact 'officially' pregnant (if the 3 positive home pregnancy tests weren't enough). I am taking extra folic acid as a precaution and they also checked my progesterone levels because of my last miscarriage. I found out last week that my levels were great! My next appointment is this coming Friday and that is when I will have my first sonogram. Pray for me friends! I will be 7 weeks and 2 days, which is exactly the same gestation that I found out that I had miscarried.

It's always fun to take my hubby to the doctors. If you know him, you know that he loves to joke around. Dr. D was asking me a few questions and he asked what I did for a living. When I told him that I stayed home with my kids, he said, "Oh, well you must have you a man that makes big bucks!" As soon as he said that, the Hubs looked over at me and said, "You do?" Haha! He's so funny! I really love him.

So, how am I feeling? Well, I feel pretty good when I first get up. After I eat though, it just goes downhill from there. It progresses from just a funny feeling in my mouth to nausea by the end of the day. Those are the moments when I try not to think that I may have several more weeks left of this. The only time I feel good is when I'm actually, literally eating. I am eating well though, no sweets during the week especially! And so far, I'm still walking 2 miles a day! I hope I can keep it up as long as I still feel okay in the mornings.

Thanks in advance to those of you who are praying and will be praying for Friday! I am nervous and excited all at the same time!

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever!
Psalm 118:1


Jessica said...

So glad you found a dr. that helped you feel comfortable. I understand very well about white coat syndrome...I have it too ;)

Unknown said...

Praying for a good appointment!