
Friday, January 21, 2011

My Thorn: Part 2

After posting about my thorn a few weeks ago, a friend directed me to the Girl Talk Blog. I've been there before but it's been months since I've visited. For the past few months they've had a series of posts on fear. I have read through many of them and found so much wisdom and truth there concerning fear and anxiety.

I'm going to spotlight a few of the posts that I really liked and share a little bit about how it helped me.

Here is the first one that really caught my attention.

One afternoon, after much inner struggling, the Hubs and I talked. Ok, he listened and I poured out my heart and tears. I remember telling him that I knew these fears weren't from God. God is not the author of this kind of fear and anxiety. Scripture says,

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7

I know this. Yet, I fear.

So, I must choose to not listen to the lies. I must remind myself of the truth. Yes, fear feels so real and sometimes it swallows me whole. But Who is trustworthy?

Every time we are tempted to fear, we have a choice. We must choose between believing our own fickle, sinful, "sense" or God's faithful, righteous Word. If we trust our fears, we are calling God a liar. Girl Talk Blog

Part 3


Jessica said...

God has His best in mind for you (for all of us) He does not desire you to experience fear. He wants us to experience His joy. He desires us to bring our emotions (fears, depression, anxiety, etc.) to Him. Depend on Him. Take those fears to Him. Be tenancious (persistant) in prayer. He hears you.
Thank you for sharing your heart Crystal. Will be praying for you!

Mel said...

That is sooo true and yet, can be soo tough! I'm feeling some nerves right now as I just published my first ebook and I am wondering how people are going to take it. Thanks for the reminder. We have nothing to fear as long as we are being obedient.

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